Assignment Management Platform : A UX Thinking Journey

Ankita Raj
4 min readFeb 11, 2021


In current covid situation where every work is managed remotely, one of the biggest sector, Education is also managed by virtual sessions and online classes. Teachers are involved not only in teaching but also in managing assignments given to students and tracking their progress at the same time.

Now a days teachers need to personalise assignments for specific groups of students as per their overall vs specific needs. But it’s difficult to keep track of what assignment is being shared with which group of students and at the same time tracking their progress so the assignments are tailored to their needs.


Design a system or a dashboard for a web app for a teacher who wants to create ad-hoc groups from the class of students to share assignments with them and wants to keep track of their progress.


1a. Problem Statement

Teachers are now facing issues while assigning different assignments to different set of students according to their individual progress and growth. Managing these assignments and tracking the progress of each students is really a tough task specially when these outcomes are submitted by students via different medium (mail, screenshots, typed notes etc.) to different platform.

1b. Market Findings

In the present scenario teachers all over are struggling to manage their classes and students at the same time. Their hands are always full with other management work besides teaching. There are issues like poor connectivity, misbehaved students, students not paying attention in online class etc. but most troubled thing for teachers are to manage the assignments of students and track their progress.

Few problems that needs to be catered are:

• Sharing assignments to students and setting up the deadline
• Collecting the assignments and evaluating
• Tracking the progress of each students
• Personalising the assignments for different group of people as per their performance
• Going back and checking the progress of last term
• Analysing the growth of students
• Building the result sheets


A web based application (platform) which will help teachers to manage their student’s assignment and tracking their progress This platform will ease the process of sharing assignment to the overall class as well as will help to create sub groups of students among the class and provide them assignments according to their progress and need. It will also be useful for teachers to track and manage their students performance.

Since it’s a web based platform it can be connected to cloud service where earlier reports and submissions are stored that those can be accessed whenever required.

Later stage it can be connected with admin as well to see the progress of students and teachers as well as can be accessed by parents where they can see their kid’s progress. This platform can also be helpful in conducting parent-teacher meetings and one to one feedback sessions for better improvement of students.


3a. User Persona

User Flow 1

Scenario 1: Create ad-hoc group of students from the class and share assignment

User Flow 2

Scenario 2: Evaluate assignment of students and provide feedback

User Flow 3

Scenario 3: Check progress of students

3b. User Journey Map

Scenario: Teacher wants to create an ad-hoc group from his class and share assignment to the particular group of students

4. Wireframes

Wireframes showing the flow of screens when teacher is creating an ad-hoc group and sharing assignment to the group.

The above task was submitted by me last year while looking for Job opportunity. The employer gave 2 days of time duration to finish the task. The direction that I followed here is mainly focusing on the design processes rather than delivering end outcomes.

I am planning to develop a small prototype version of this and will post it here soon.

Thank you for reading!

